We are passionate about teenagers encountering God, making friends, growing together, and making a difference

We focus on creating community
Welcome to the Your Real Life Church Youth Ministry! Our goal is for every teenager to know, live, and tell The Story of God. Come join us and find out more about how His story can become your own.
214 N. Saginaw Street Montrose, MI 48457
Middle School

High School

In this transistional time, students need to have great guidance to help them navigate the unique challenges they face. We provide teaching from the Bible to serve as a north start for making decisions that will shape the future.

Relationships are a critical part in the lives of teenagers. We provide great environments where kids can come together to meet other kids. Adults serve as mentors to connect students with Biblical truth and help them apply it to their specific situations. Our desire is to partner with parents to help teenagers thrive as they transition into becoming adults.

RYAN CRAGG | Youth Ministry Director